I have always been a very keen DIY enthusiasts, Building, Metal and Woodwork projects, Plumbing, Decorating, Electrics, Electronics, Mechanics for both Improvement & Maintenance.

With the Tormek T-4 Bushcraft, you can sharpen a wide variety of outdoor knives, hunting knives, fishing knives, and different axes, chisels, and many more.
The grinder is equipped with. You can easily alternate between a coarse sharpening at 220 grit and a fine sharpening having a surface equivalent to 1000 grit.
Now the only way I can sharpen, quite happy with various methods and for certain knives, i prefer the manual methods.
It’s not just repairing a failed component that I enjoy, tracking down a fault can be a challenge, figuring out how something was put together so you can take it apart and hunt for the fault is quite fun.
The projector here was sposed to be the bulb, not so new bulb did not fix, had to remove the mainboard still no problem, got down to power supply still nothing. In the end, it was the Iris unit, it automatically optimizes the image based on the brightness of the content you project, it was simply stuck, a quick clean and all working.

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