Welcome The X-Men Clan Website (Copy)

The X-Men Clan had a number of servers back in the day, a few of us got together to revive the fun, we don’t have all the maps that we once had and have tried to offer a great selection from what we have, to plan to have clan battles just for fun! Want to join? Just change your in-game name to X-Man (your favorite character) if there is more than one with that name it’s no problem it’s just for fun!

The Xmen Server Info Panels

Join in the fun of our X-Men Server, it runs old can maps and our original Mod used 21 years ago! We welcome all players to join in the fun of old school Call of Duty United Offensive.

Why Call of Duty United Ofensive on PC?

CoD UO is also the first game that introduced me to mods, revealing that the fun that you have in a PC game doesn’t even stop at what’s included in the game it’s the reason why I’m a PC gamer today at 50+. To me, the modern CoD games are a disappointment, some of the maps are just great, and the graphics fantastic but it’s missing the opportunity and the joy that users can bring to the game with creating maps and mods there is no end to the fun. The fact that there are still players online after 20+ years.