Software Defined Radio (SDR)

SDR may be used as radio transmitters but the most common implementation is with receivers due to cost, like SDR as cheap way to pick up signals, curious of what’s around thats transmitting.


SDR involves software working in radio equipment and SDR as a receiver linked to a PC is a good place to start. I like Kiwi SDR and this kit allows online access to other users, use the button below to see their map of receivers that are quite fun to explore…

Realtek RTL2832U SDR Dongle

sEssex Ham first put me onto this with “The Realtek RTL2832U dongle is probably the most useful thing that a ham can spend £10 on.” A great article explaining everything you need to get this device working as an SDR…

Also, there is an SDR app and driver for the RTL2832U on the Fire OS (Amazon fire tablet) great if you want a powerful portable scanner, not so simple for the Apple iPhone or pad!

SDR# is the most commonly used SDR program on Windows and its as one of the easiest to set up and use with the RTL2832U with the driver installed first.

The would of SDR holds a lot of fun and plenty of experiments, satellites like the fun cube and much more go to for more…

FUNcube Dongle Pro+

The FUNcube SDR receiver was developed to support the FUNcube satellite project of AMSAT-UK. the FUNcube SDR stick works like a soundcard on the PC and can be controlled by lots of radio softwares so lots of experiments to try with this kit.